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Child Psychologist

ADHD / ADD Testing


Testing, evaluation, and treatment for ADHD / ADD is a specialty of ours here at Integra. We pride ourselves on understanding that ADHD is a complex disorder that requires a comprehensive evaluation in order to truly rule-out all the various medical and mental health conditions that can mimic ADHD. Further, we also know that ADHD negatively affects other things like learning, memory, reading, spelling, math, social skills, personality development, and daily functioning independence.


This is why comprehensive assessment is important: ADHD medication isn't the solution if the problem is not ADHD. We are able to reliably evaluate children, teens, adults (and older adults) ages 3+ for the presence of ADHD with sophisticated neuropsychological tests, questionnaires (that are based on normative samples), and comprehensive interview techniques. 


Psychological Testing


Psychological testing and evaluations are offered at Integra. Testing for mental health conditions (e.g., depression, anxiety, OCD, bipolar disorder, personality disorders, PTSD, etc.) may or may not require lengthy tests of brain functioning. In general, a psychological exam will include:​

 - Diagnostic Clinical Interview

-  Review of Medical or Pertinent Records

-  Mental Status Exam

-  Intelligence Testing

-  Academic Achievement Testing

-  Emotional Functioning / Personality Testing

Psychological Testing Wylie Texas


Neuropsychological Exams


We provide comprehensive neuropsychological evaluations for children, adolescents, and adults suffering from a wide range of neurological, psychiatric, and general medical diagnoses. The purpose of a neuropsychological evaluation is to assess the overall functioning of the brain as it is related to the negative effects of central nervous system disease. Whereas a brain MRI takes a picture of the brain, neuropsychological tests measure the actual functioning of the brain. The various domains assessed in most neuropsychological evaluations include:​

Psychologist Neuropsychologist Wylie Texas

 - Diagnostic Clinical Interview

-  Neurobehavioral Status Exam

-  Intelligence

-  Academic Functioning

-  Attention & Information Processing

-  Expressive & Receptive Language

-  Learning & Memory

-  Visual Processing / Spatial Processing

-  Executive Functioning

-  Sensory & Motor Functioning

-  Behavioral & Emotional Functioning

-  Personality Functioning


Counseling & Psychotherapy


We provide individual counseling for children, adolescents, adults, and older adults who are experiencing emotional challenges, stressful circumstances, and relationship difficulties. Call us to schedule an appointment with one of our compassionate clinicians. We are here to listen. We are ready to help. 

Counseling Wylie Texas




We provide neurofeedback for brain-related disorders such as ADHD, anxiety, depression, trauma, and for non-clinical peak-performance training. Neurofeedback is a non-pharmacological treatment that focuses on retraining brain waves through the use of our in-house EEG/computer system. Note: no electrical current or direct stimulation is used in neurofeedback, rather EEG is used via electrodes on the scalp to measure the brain's brain waves. 



Play Video


Play Therapy

In the process of growing up, most children, at some point, experience difficulty coping with their life experiences.  Play therapy is an evidenced based intervention that supports children during some of their most critical developmental years.  Play therapy is to children what counseling is to adults.  When adults have problems, it often helps for them to share their thoughts and feelings with a trusted friend or therapist.  Children do not have the ability to express themselves with words as adults do, so it is often difficult for them to verbalize what is troubling them.  Play therapy allows children to communicate through play, their most natural form of expression.  The toys in the play therapy room help children “play out” their perceptions of life experiences, their thoughts and feelings, and their needs and desires.  With the help of a trained therapist, children can learn to understand themselves and their world better, work to resolve their problems, and develop coping skills to better deal with life.



Activity Therapy

Activity therapy is psychotherapy that integrates the use of therapeutic activities.  A typical activity therapy session may include the use of a sand tray, an art therapy activity, or a board game tailored to help a client work on their individual goals.  Activity therapy can be used across the lifespan, but is often particularly helpful to adolescents and teenagers that may be initially reluctant to attend counseling.  Through carefully selected activities, a trained therapist can build a relationship with their client while simultaneously helping them process things that may be causing them distress.   

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